Social and economic development from the position of the systemic-transdisciplinary worldview

konMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Social and economic development from the position of the systemic-transdisciplinary worldview.

ABSTRACT: Justification of creation and the use of the new methodological tools necessary for a research of social and economic development is given. The practicability of using this approach as an approach and a necessary tool of systemic-transdisciplinary approach and systemic-transdisciplinary models of spatial, informational and temporal order unit is justified. Multiplex of development is a methodological instrument of transdisciplinary approach. Multiplex includes all the combination of different calendar duration development waves. Within the multiplex these waves play role in intensive and soft development programs.

This circumstance allows to significantly increase a verification of researchers’ results, evaluation and prediction of human society development. The authors try to justify thesis of crucial role of systemic-transdisciplinary worldview and system thinking not only for fundamental scientific research, but also systemic explanation of a new model of the world social and economic order.

Keywords: system; system approach; worldview; transdisciplinarity.

Reference: Mokiy V.S. Lukyanova T.A. Social and economic development from the position of the systemic-transdisciplinary worldview. System analysis in economics – 2018: Proceedings of the V International research conference–biennale (21–23 november 2018). – Moscow, Prometheus publishing house, 2018. – 348 р.

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cal   5.01.2025



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