lo 25


(January, 2025)





Holism (from Greek ‘all’, ‘whole’) is, in a wide sense, the position in philosophy and science related to the issue of the part and the whole ratio, originating from quality versatility of the whole in relation to its parts. In a narrower sense, holism means ‘philosophy of wholeness’, developed by a South African philosopher Jan Smuts, who coined the term ‘holism’ in 1926.

Ontological principle of holism

Ontological principle of holism: the Whole is always something more, than the simple sum of its parts.

Gnoseological principle of holism
Gnoseological principle of holism: the development of knowledge about the whole should precede the development of knowledge about its parts.

Unicentrism is, in a wide sense, the position in philosophy and science related to the issue of the All and ratio of its fragments. The idea originates from total isomorphism of General order, which substantiates the internal organization and the external interaction of the fragments of the All. The fragments of the All represent the reflection of the General order with the essence of basic philosophical categories (space, information, time). In a narrower sense, unicentricism means ‘philosophy of unity’ developed by a Russian philosopher Vladimir Mokiy. He was the first one, who coined the term ‘unicentrism’ in 2010.

Everything that constantly appears and exists in the single world reflects the first absolutely simple beginning. This is the reason why it precedes the potency of things (everything the appearing and existing). However, the first absolutely simple beginning is not divided into fragments in the things. It is expressed in everything appearing and existing by the General order that substantiates the unity of things. In this case, everything that is appearing and existing becomes the center of the first absolutely simple beginning. This is the origin of the term ‘unicentrism’.

Ontological principle of unicentrism

Ontological principle of unicentrism: the All is the first, indivisible, endless absolutely simple beginning, preceding the potency of things.

Gnoseological principle of unicentrism

Gnoseological principle of unicentrism: the development of knowledge about the All should be preceded by the development of knowledge about the global order manifested in space fragments, information attributes and time periods conditioning the unity of objectives and results of reality processes.

One Orderly Medium

One Orderly Medium is the reality within all its versatilities

Fundamental fragments of the One Orderly Medium

Fundamental fragments of the One Orderly Medium are those successively recognizable in each other: Nothing, First Absolutely Simple Beginning, Noumenal World, Material World.


Potency is the prospective futurity of the One Orderly Medium.

Potency of Nothing

Potency of Nothing is the absence of futurity.  

Potency of the First Absolutely Simple Beginning

Potency of the First Absolutely Simple Beginning is the futurity prospective.

Potency of the Noumenal (intelligible) World

Potency of the Noumenal (intelligible) World is the hidden possibilities of prospective futurity.

Potency of the Material World

Potency of the Material World is the hidden power of prospective futurity.

Functional ensemble

Functional ensemble is a set of events, objects, processes and their interactions, within which the potency (prospective futurity hidden power) of the material world exists, is expressed and transformed.

Horizontal functional ensemble

Horizontal functional ensemble is an aggregate of objects of one species, e.g., people, plants, animals, etc.

Vertical functional ensemble

Vertical functional ensemble is an aggregate of horizontal functional ensembles. For example, the planet Earth is represented by a vertical functional ensemble, which consists of horizontal functional ensembles, humans, flora, fauna, etc. For practical purposes, each object can be represented as a vertical and a functional ensemble at the same time.

For example, a human being, as a vertical functional ensemble, consists of mutually supplementing each other systems: cardiovascular, neural, osseous systems, etc. Therefore,  each of these systems can play the role of horizontal functional ensembles.

Interdisciplinary interaction

Interdisciplinary interaction is the term, which designates integrating factors favoring the formation of logical structures of monodisciplines with attempt to enhance the scientific outlook and to solve complex multifactor issues.


Interdisciplinarity is the term, which designates the possibility to enhance the scientific outlook through the use of knowledge and cognitive means of various monodisciplines.

Disciplinary approach

Disciplinary approach is the method of establishment of the scientific outlook, based on the territorially different world image, methodology and language adequacy. It concerns its explanatory possibilities and forms fundamentals of moral responsibility for results and consequences of research and professional activity in a higher educational establishment for graduates and practicing specialists.

Systems disciplinary approach

Systems disciplinary approach is the method of correct distinguishing and modeling the object or a problem based on the image of the local interdisciplinary system, allowing the application of complementary systemic disciplinary methodology to their study and solution.

Interdisciplinary approach

Interdisciplinary approach is a method to enhance the scientific outlook towards the enrichment of knowledge, methodology and language of one scientific discipline in favor of knowledge, methodology and language of another scientific discipline, which forms the reportable moral responsibility for results and consequences of research and professional activity in a higher educational establishment  for graduates and practicing specialists.

Systems interdisciplinary approach

Systems interdisciplinary approach is a method of correct distinguishing and modeling the object or a problem based on  a local interdisciplinary system allowing the application of complementary systemic disciplinary methods and means to their study and solution.

Multidisciplinary approach

Multidisciplinary approach is a method to enhance the scientific outlook towards a holistic image of the object of research, which forms the realizable moral responsibility for results and consequences of research and professional activity, the level of which is determined by the framework of scientific paradigm that is common at the given stage of development, in a higher educational establishment for graduates and practicing specialists.

Systems multidisciplinary approach

Systems multidisciplinary approach is a way to correctly isolate and model the complex object or a complex multifactor issue within a holistic multidisciplinary system allowing the application of the corresponding set of systemic disciplinary methodologies to their research and solution.


Transdisciplinarity is a way of expanding the horizon of human and scientific worldview in the direction of a single image of the world.

Weak Transdisciplinarity

Weak Transdisciplinarity is the united project of deeply integrated scientists from various scientific disciplines. Thereby, transdisciplinarity refuses to establish any general theoretical structure, but calls for higher reflexivity, including ‘submission’, openness to interact with other methodologies and practices, and readiness to make way for other approaches if they are more adequate to modern challenges. Actually, the methodology of ‘weak’ transdisciplinarity became closer to the methodology of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.

Strong Transdisciplinarity

Strong Transdisciplinarity is the method of the world cognition, which gives a possibility to bring human knowledge into a comprehensive, agreed science based on the single set of concepts and metalanguage.

Transdisciplinary approach

Transdisciplinary approach is a group of unique methods of maximum broadening the scientific worldview horizon within the limits of the philosophic picture of a Holistic world, through a integrating and synthesizing disciplinary knowledge.

Systems transdisciplinary approach

Systems transdisciplinary approach is a universal method of maximum broadening the scientific worldview horizon within the limits of the philosophic picture of a One and Only world, through a unification and generalization of disciplinary knowledge.

Transdisciplinary system

Transdisciplinary system is the General order, which determines the unity of the orderly medium and its vertical and horizontal functional ensembles of objects. For methodological purposes, the General order is represented in the form of isomorphic ‘units of order’, which are present in all components of the One Orderly Medium – in its own space, in its own time and in its own complete information. For the main features of the transdisciplinary system and its differences from the disciplinary system, please follow the link.  

Unit of order

Unit of order is a logically complete structure of space fragments, attributes information and time periods of the transdisciplinary system model.

Systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order

Systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order is a logically complete structure of space fragments in the transdisciplinary system, which allows substantiation of physical boundaries, within which the original potency of an object and a functional ensemble of objects exist. For the spatial unit of order model, please follow the link.

Systems transdisciplinary model of informational unit of order

Systems transdisciplinary model of informational unit of order is a logically complete sequence of attributes of complete information in the transdisciplinary system, which allows the substantiation of logical boundaries of expression of the original potency of an object and a functional ensemble of objects exist. For the informational unit of order model, please follow the link.

Systems transdisciplinary model of temporal unit of order

Systems transdisciplinary model of temporal unit of order is a logically complete sequence of time periods in the system, which allows the substantiation of duration of transformation of the original potency of object and a functional ensemble of objects exist. For the temporary unit of order model, please follow the link.

Systems transdisciplinary research

Systems transdisciplinary research is the studying of an object and a functional ensemble of objects, carried out by means of the systemic transdisciplinary approach methodology. Depending on the set objectives, which study an object, a functional ensemble of objects assumes the use of systemic transdisciplinary models of spatial, temporal and informational order of units. The use of order of unit models allows to perform four consecutive actions:

- substantiate the regulatory indicators and characteristics of an object and functional ensemble of objects development process;

- determine true values ​​of these indicators and characteristics;

- determine typical features of development process of the object along with functional ensemble of objects development process, when the process deviates from standard indicators and characteristics;

- carry out the risk analysis of an object and functional ensemble of objects real development, offer mechanisms mitigating this risk probability.

Systems transdisciplinary analysis

Systems transdisciplinary analysis is the main analytical method in the transdisciplinary systems approach. For more information about this method.

Systems transdisciplinary technologies

Systems transdisciplinary technologies are the technologies for managing the process of transforming the initial potency of the orderly medium and its objects.

Technology (from Greek Techne ‘art’, ‘skill’) means the aggregate of methods of impacting, mostly, raw materials, etc. Systemic-transdisciplinary technologies are, first of all, the aggregate of methods of impacting the clustered environments of objects and functional ensembles of microcosm and macrocosm objects. Transdisciplinarity is, first of all, the way of enhancing scientific outlook. That is why the clustered environments of objects and functional sets of objects planned for exposure should be ‘man-sized’, that is, involve human actions or provide observable results and consequences of human society life activities.

The potential of ideas built in breakthrough systems transdisciplinary technologies, together with the global market stimulation nowadays, is capable to address the society needs at the new stage of its development.

The example of breakthrough systemic-transdisciplinary technological ideas and technologies are:

- the technological idea of NPS and chemical industry waste ​​recycling implying their complete neutralization instead of the existing practice of their burial;

- the technological idea of ​​alternative power sources implying the creation of personal renewable power sources (beside solar, water and wind power), based on the use of the effect of resonance with the environment. An additional power source can be ‘electromagnetic garbage’ supplied by modern society technologies in large volumes;

- the technological idea of ​​creating computers that will use natural and social objects (e.g., a human being, an enterprise, a city, etc.) as an ‘operating core’. These computers will successfully compete with exaFLOP level computers in cost, efficiency and calculation results;

- technologies in the sphere of economy applying spatial and temporal regularities of forming economic crises in order to predict terms of occurrence of such crises and their prevention;

- technologies in the field of ecology, providing complete and rapid restoration of flora, fauna, fertility of soils that were exposed to anthropogenic and man-made load (mining industry), activating the natural mechanisms of natural environment recovery;

- technologies of monitoring of general condition of anthropogenic and social objects allowing the forecast of negative events and processes formed under the impact of force majeure (natural and industrial disasters, terrorist attacks);

- technologies of individual preventive medicine favoring the preservation of health, youth and longevity of each person with regard of his/her unique physiological parameters, by means of specialized chemicals and technical devices;

- technologies providing manageability and support of stable functional and physiological condition of sports team members throughout the game season; etc.

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cal   12.02.2025



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