Summary of the Unicentrism

(CONCEPTION – is the interpretation of a process or a phenomenon, the main point of view at a subject or an object of research, a specified way of understanding, a research plan).





Conceptions should not be defined, they should be explained. Conceptual nature of terms creates a higher polymorphism in the science language. The more profound and advanced a conception is, the higher its polymorphism

V.V. Nalimov
(Polymorphism – a Greek term: poly – many and morphe – a form)




- The world is One Orderly Medium (One and Only world);

- The unity of the world determines the general order;

- The general order is associated with a transdisciplinary system;

- Isomorphic models of the transdisciplinary system, in the form of spatial, informational and temporal units of order, make it possible to unambiguously understand, cognize and describe the world in its unity.

Brief explanation of the axioms of unicentrism

A transdisciplinary image of the World, a transdisciplinary interpretation of the term “system” makes it possible to suggest a following solution to an epistemological problem – “how to explore the World and its elements?”

1.      A statement “the World is a One Orderly Medium” means that, as applied to such a medium, multiplicity of potency possible orderly mediums (worlds) will be considered as the totality of its natural elements and fragments.

2.      To be a natural element and fragment of the medium means to have a number of attributes and features, that indicate its organic belonging to the one orderly medium, as well as make sense during its independent existence. In order words, those attributes/signs allow every natural element/fragment at their level of reality to be the same one orderly medium, that has a definite location and function. From this point of view, the medium of a natural element/fragment, as well as the medium of an artificial object is interpreted as a unique orderly medium. Examples of a unique orderly medium are: an atom and a Galaxy, a bank and a state, a forest border and a car, a person and an idea, an enterprise, a technology and economical relations.

3.      Main feature of the One Orderly Medium and, therefore, each unique orderly medium, is its potency (Potency is the prospective futurity of the One Orderly Medium), that exists in it naturally, or was put in by the human (for Artificial Orderly Mediums), that shows during special circumstances. A statement: “potency”, in this case, pertains to the inner organization of an orderly medium, due to which it can show its condition.

Main attributes of one orderly medium, as well as each unique orderly medium are:

Space – as a form of existence of potency of the One Orderly Medium;

Information – as a form of manifestation of potency of the One Orderly Medium;

Time – as a form of transformation of potency of the One Orderly Medium.

4.      Interpretation of the terms “space”, “time” and “information” as the forms of existence, manifestation and transformation of potency, makes it possible to transfer them from philosophical categories to methodological categories. Thus, having a form makes it possible to develop the models of spatial, temporal and informational unit of order, as the images of the transdisciplinary system. By means of these models, it makes it possible to not only define an object of research correctly, but to form a sphere of necessity for it.

5.      Order of interrelation between space, time and information is initially appropriate to the one orderly medium as well as to any unique orderly medium. This is their immanent feature. But since this order is one, unique, universal, when exploring the world it is necessary to search for the appearance of this order in each of its objects, in every interrelation and interaction, at any level of reality. In this regard, to traditionally use the terms oversystem and subsystem during the world exploring is not fully correct, because it forces a researcher to look for an order in an order, in order words, it presumes the existence of suborder or overorder, and presumes the existence of different orders. By-turn, the unity” of order, the unity of the system presumes the existence of special elements, interactions and connections, which present in an object of research. As a result, not only the object is being explored, but the understanding of its true location and function in the world is being formed at the same time.

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