Interdisciplinary scientific conference “Problems of the development of Israel's territorial sea"

niMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018


World outlook aspects of the concept of development of the territorial sea of Israel.


ABSTRACT: Development of the territorial sea of Israel is associated with a complex multisectoral problem. For the solution of such problem it is necessary to combine efforts of experts of many scientific directions. Such association can be carried out within several types of system approach. Each type of system approach is characterized by a certain level of scientific outlook. To each level scientific outlooks there corresponds the level to moral responsibility for possible negative consequences of development of the territorial sea of Israel.


Social and economic development from the position of the systemic-transdisciplinary worldview

konMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Social and economic development from the position of the systemic-transdisciplinary worldview.

ABSTRACT: Justification of creation and the use of the new methodological tools necessary for a research of social and economic development is given. The practicability of using this approach as an approach and a necessary tool of systemic-transdisciplinary approach and systemic-transdisciplinary models of spatial, informational and temporal order unit is justified. Multiplex of development is a methodological instrument of transdisciplinary approach. Multiplex includes all the combination of different calendar duration development waves. Within the multiplex these waves play role in intensive and soft development programs.


About prospects of use of methodology of the General theory of systems in research of space objects

8 56Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

About prospects of use of methodology of the General theory of systems in research of space objects

ABSTRACT: The information about the characteristic features of different types of system approaches is presented. A brief justification of the" General theory of systems " as an independent scientific discipline, as well as the basic postulates of the concept of system-transdisciplinary approach, which formed its methodological basis.


To the question of determining the object of economic science

8 53 18Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

To the question of determining the object of economic science.

ABSTRACT: In the article the problem of an object and subjects relativity of the economic science is formulated. Philosophical and natural-scientific fundamentals are presented, from the position of which the representation, common features and concepts of the object and subjects of the economic science are built.


Prospects of training of generalists in the structure of higher education

un8Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Prospects of training of generalists in the structure of higher education

ABSTRACT:In the article the assumption is substantiated that among various factors preventing the solution of complex multifactor problems of the modern society, an important place is occupied by the absence of specially trained specialists in the structure of higher education - generalists.


Interdisciplinary collaboration in contemporary science: approaches and perspectives.

ensr 3Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2017
Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2017

Interdisciplinary collaboration in contemporary science: approaches and perspectives.

ABSTRACT:The authors explain a natural connection between diverse principles of academic approaches and their system analogs. The authors suggest usage of general classification of scientific approaches different by identification features, functional peculiarities and optimal scopes of application, but relative due to the found connection.


Transdisciplinary foundations of a general theory of systems as an academic scientific discipline.

u 39Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2017
Transdisciplinary foundations of a general theory of systems as an academic scientific discipline.

ABSTRACT:The goal of this article is to practically and constructively support an invitation to unify efforts to form the concept and methodology of the general system theory as academic discipline.


The classification of systematic approaches – the solution basis of complex and multiple problems of society, science and technology.

u 12Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2016
Mokiy Mikhail, Moscow State University of Management (Russia), 2016
Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2016

The classification of systematic approaches – the solution basis of complex and multiple problems of society, science and technology.

ABSTRACT:In the article the classification of scientific approaches to objects investigation is offered. Special attention is given to the classification of systematic approaches. As a classification criterion, worldview and interpretation of the concept "system" that underlie in the basis of the appropriate approach are used.


The Self-organizing Mechanism of Chemical Materials in Physiological Processes: a Transdisciplinary Aspect.

h b 11Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2016

The Self-organizing Mechanism of Chemical Materials in Physiological Processes: a Transdisciplinary Aspect.

ABSTRACT:In the article the description of conceptual assumptions, structural and functional features of the mechanism of chemical elements and materials cyclic circulation in the physiological processes of biological objects is presented. It is assumed that the cause of self-organization of chemical elements and materials is fragmented potency of provisionally closed and geometrically ordered space object.


From Disciplinarity to Transdisciplinarity in the Federal State Standards of Higher Education

socio4Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2016
Mokiy Mikhail, Moscow State University of Management (Russia), 2016

From Disciplinarity to Transdisciplinarity in the Federal State Standards of Higher Education

ABSTRACT:Based on the example of a training program - economics, the analysis results of common cultural competences of state educational standards on three levels of higher education – bachelor degree, masters and post-graduate courses are presented for the presence of logical inconsistencies of their content, which can cause large-scale negative social phenomena in modern society.


Дата последнего обновления информации на портале

cal   16.10.2024



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